The Thompson familys Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook, won the Commonwealth Bank Cattle Expos supreme multibreed exhibit at this years Wagin Woolorama with their Charolais cow Venturon Naughty But Nice S32. With the grand champion multibreed senior cow and champion European breed senior cow and her LT Countdown sired heifer calf at foot were judge Kevin Yost (left), Liberty Charolais and Shorthorn studs, Toodyay, Commonwealth Banks Ben Norton and David Kennedy, judge Stephen Branson, Banquet Angus stud, Mortlake, Victoria, Venturon stud co-principal Harris Thompson and handler Indy Smith.

2024 Wagin Woolorama Cattle Expo Winners | Farm Weekly
The Thompson familys Venturon Livestock, Boyup Brook, won the Commonwealth Bank Cattle Expos supreme multibreed exhibit at this years Wagin Woolorama with their Charolais cow Venturon Naughty But Nice S32. With the grand champion multibreed senior cow and champion European breed senior cow and her LT Countdown sired heifer calf at foot were judge Kevin Yost (left), Liberty Charolais and Shorthorn studs, Toodyay, Commonwealth Banks Ben Norton and David Kennedy, judge Stephen Branson, Banquet Angus stud, Mortlake, Victoria, Venturon stud co-principal Harris Thompson and handler Indy Smith.