R and G Sutton sold Droughtmaster feeder steers for 446c weighing 480kg to return $2144/hd. J Baccon, Bajool, sold Droughtmaster steers for 538c weighing 367kg to return $1975/hd. R and L Cullen, Marlua, Calliope, sold a run of Brahman weaner steers to avg 560c topping at 318kg to return $1782/hd. S and S Jones, Bowen, sold a run of 85 top quality No.2 Brahman steers to avg 529c weighing 293kg to return $1552/hd. Edwards and Broekman, Wowan, sold Droughtmaster steers for 598c weighing 284kg to return $1702/hd. JV and CM Peacock, Goovigen, sold Simbrah steers for 632c weighing 253kg to…