Blog Post

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No 2 – Mort & Co

Locations: Grassdale, Dalby, Qld; Pinegrove, Millmerran, Qld, Yarranbrook, Inglewood, Qld.

Combined capacity: 108,000 SCU

2015 Top 25 position: 4. 2003 position: n/a


MORT & Co has grown from a sole trader operation in 1997 to become Australia’s largest privately-owned independent beef feedlot company by turnoff. The company today sources, feeds and sells 220,000 cattle per year.

Mort & Co is currently the second largest feedlot operator in Australia. Its operations span three feedlots – Grassdale (70,000 SCU near Dalby), Pinegrove (21,000 SCU near Millmerran) and Yarranbrook…

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