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Lawsons Angus in demand at yearling bull sale | Farm Weekly

Catching up after the successful Lawsons Angus yearling bull sale were: Front row: Kerry Bendotti (left), IRA Pemberton, Joe Melville, Henderson-Glendale, Mayanup, Carmel Page, Jarrahlea Pty Ltd, Mayanup, veterinarian Jess Schilling, Bovitec Veterinary Services, Albany. Second row: Elders Albany agent Wayne Mitchell (left), Steve Moir, Woodburn Grazing, Porongurup, Kiara Bruce, Elders Albany livestock administration, Rebecca Ravenhill, Lawsons Angus, Manypeaks, IRA Pemberton principal Colin Thexton, Tyler Ravenhill, Lawsons Angus, Manypeaks and Thomas Ravenhill, Ravenhill Dairy, Narrikup….

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