Blog Post

Roma sale 3 Oct 2023: Yearling steers back 10c-20c/kg

Yarding 3981 Change -592

Cattle were once again drawn from NSW Far Western Queensland and the local supply area.

Most backgrounders and lotfeeders were in attendance and selective in purchasers. However not all processors were active.

Yearling steers back 10c to 20c with the heifer portion 20c to 30c/kg cheaper.

Also store condition cows could not maintain the levels of the previous week and processor cows held firm. Light weight yearling steers under 200kg made to 272c to average 243c/kg.

Yearling steers 200 to 280kg averaged 245c topping at 276c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg to feed…

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