The 20-200602 sired twin-born ram recorded ASBVs in the top 10pc for weaning rate (WR) 0.3 and dual purpose plus index (DP+) 198.2, top 20pc post weaning weight (PWWT) 8.7 and yearling weight (YWT) 9.8 along with 7.9 adult weight (AWT), 0.3 yearling fat (YFAT), 1.6 yearling eye muscle depth (YEMD), 18.5 yearling clean fleece weight (YCFW), -0.7 yearling fibre diameter (YFD), 3.4 yearling staple length (YSL), 2.4 yearling staple strength (YSS), -0.3 yearling coefficient of variation (YDCV), 0.02 ewe rearing ability (ERA), -0.5 early breech wrinkle (EBWR), -0.3 late dag (LDAG), -0.11 breech…