Today will feature 18 studs across the New England including; 3R Livestock (Hereford and Angus), Loomberah, Bluestone Beef (black composites), Blackville, Booragul (Angus), Piallaway, Bungalla (Shorthorns), Manilla, Cascade (Poll Herefords and Angus), Currabubula, Harlees (Limousin), Loomberah, Hardigreen Park (Santa Gertrudis), Wallabadah, Haras (Simmental), Manilla, Heart (Angus), Timbumburi, King Creek (Limousins), Currabubula, Killain (Angus), Tamworth, Mala-Daki (Simmentals), Tamworth, Nagol Park (Shorthorns), Tamworth, Omega 3 (Red Poll), Pine Ridge, Swanvale (Herefords), Winton, XL…