This includes glorious images of the Colton, Palmer & Preston Stock Saddle (c 1920s), American-Style Swinging Fender Poley, GJ Schneider (c 1925), Station Poley, Joseph Alvin (c 1920-30), Geo Cossart Light Ladies’ Poley, Bill Rub (c 1930s), Mini Saddles (1919 and 1936), Poley “Going To Town” Saddle, Francis H Thrift (c 1930), The Wyndham Stock or Breaking Saddle Hugo Fisher (c 1938), Werner Wonder Poley R S Werner (c 1930s-1940s), The Longhorn R M Williams (1947), Grace Bros – Model Store Poley (c 1952), Brunette Downs Poley, Mark Newman (c 1960s), J P Talty Stock Saddle (c 1960s), J P…