The 'unknowns' at play with beef's potential in the US
Despite the surge in imports, the USDA Indicator price for Australian 90s last week rose further. Click to check the original article.
Despite the surge in imports, the USDA Indicator price for Australian 90s last week rose further. Click to check the original article.
Petition to stop 95 per cent of Toobeah land transferred to Aboriginal freehold Click to check the original article.
Noble Research Institute, the nation’s largest nonprofit agricultural research organization, and Ranch Management Consultants (RMC) have announced a collaboration with an exclusive licensing agreement granting Noble use of RMC’s Ranching for Profit program content. Noble will design and develop a suite of educational, skill-building products incorporating both Noble-developed and Ranching for Profit content. The first […]
The annual field day, which focuses on new crop options to maximise returns in broadacre rotations, is hosted by the Northern Australia Crop Research Centre of Excellence, a partnership that brings together researchers from CQUniversity with farm machinery leaders RDO Equipment Australia, farmers from the Central Highlands Cotton Growers & Irrigators Association, Grain Producers Australia […]
The week of Wagga hearings will feature a long list of prominent health officials including MPHN interim CEO of policy, strategy and innovation Narelle Mills on Tuesday, UNSW associate dean of rural health Tara Mackenzie on Wednesday, MLHD primary care director Alam Yoosuff and Wagga Base GM Lenert Bruce on Thursday and MLHD CEO Jill […]
With less than 12 months until sheep eID becomes mandated for new lambs, discussions on how to harmonise legislation are underway. Click to check the original article.
From The Manor House to The Glebe, research from Savills reveals the 10 most expensive house names. What’s in a name? Well it depends. When it comes to a person, probably not that much. When it comes to a home, however, it can be quite a bit (at least, financially). Savills have done some digging, […]
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and Public Lands Council (PLC) responded to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) release of the updated greater sage ground management plans. These plans will shape public land use across 10 different states and tens of millions of Western acres. After completing revisions to the plans in 2015 and […]
Over 300 people recently gathered to dedicate the “Dr. Doug Parrett Memorial Arena” in the historic Stock Pavilion, part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The celebration honored the 49-year career of beef production professor and livestock judging icon Doug Parrett. “Doug Parrett’s legacy will live on in this […]
The celebrated entomologist and Bletchley Park codebreaker was also way ahead of the times when it came to gardening. Miriam Rothschild’s gardening style was the very antithesis of manicured. Writing in Country Life, Mark Griffiths describes her as a ‘pioneer’ of organic and wildflower gardening who ‘dared to entertain the idea (heresy in the 1970s) […]
The nation’s leading brewer known to sell beer cans with tractors and corn cobs has announced another step to support U.S. farmers during National Agriculture Week. American Farmland Trust launched a new U.S. Farmed certification and packaging seal for products that derive at least 95% of their agricultural ingredients from farms in the U.S. Anheuser-Busch […]
All the winners of the Qld Ag Shows Awards 2024. Click to check the original article.