Blog Post

Goldenover takes Ile de France honours

Support for the Ile de France breed continued at the Wagin Woolorama this year, with two studs presenting 14 sheep for judging in the British and Australasian Sheep Breeds competition. Click to check the original article.

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Cattle Australia fronts supermarket pricing inquiry

Increasing transparency throughout the supply chain is the key to reassuring producers that the price they receive for their cattle is a fair price on the day, this morning’s public hearing of the Senate Select Inquiry into Supermarket Pricing at Orange, NSW, was told. Cattle Australia CEO Dr Chris Parker said having the ability to […]

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Weekly kill: Handbrake comes on slaughter market, in a big way

THERE’S been a sharp change in the supply/demand dynamics in eastern states processing this week. A number of large multi-site operators from Queensland to South Australia have withdrawn their direct consignment quotes for the time being, confident that they have kill slots covered for the immediate future. Prior to the suspension of quotes, some Queensland […]

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