Passion and hard work behind Bedgerabong picnic meet's 105 year history
The picnic races continue to draw a crowd. Click to check the original article.
The picnic races continue to draw a crowd. Click to check the original article.
Australia’s biosecurity defences have received a $55 million boost. Click to check the original article.
Share your thoughts and perspectives on Q fever vaccination. Click to check the original article.
Perri is an agriculture journalist with Farm Weekly. Born in regional Victoria, Perri developed a love of regional and rural news at a young age, and is now passionate about advocating for the agricultural industry. Her interests include science, agronomy, livestock and food production. Perri is an agriculture journalist with Farm Weekly. Born in regional […]
Properties in southern Queensland, northern NSW and Tasmania are believed to have been raided as part of Operation Decker, established after the NSW Department of Primary Industries passed on information to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on June 23 last year. Click to check the original article.
When Mr Wood started there were three Farmbot systems installed at Rawlinna, now there are about 13 and they are being used to the station’s advantage, with staff learning to read trends and proving that many miles and time can be saved by watching the Farmbot for water levels, leaks and faults in near real-time. […]
The changes mean from May 17 this year fishing with gillnets will be prohibited in the zones to prevent adverse impacts on threatened species from gillnet fishing, while making provision for continued fishing to support strong local communities as well as local and regional seafood supply. Click to check the original article.
If running at full steam, those announcements from the likes of JBS Australia and Greenhams, among others, would mean an additional 3000 head of cattle could be processed nationally per day. That’s 18,000 a week or, on today’s slaughter level, a boost of 15pc. Click to check the original article.
Two species of weeds are continuing to impact landowners and put other plants and reptile numbers at risk Click to check the original article.
Special weaner sales next week at Kempsey, Inverell, Gloucester, Dorrigo, Casino, Glen Innes, Tamworth, Yass, Tenterfield and Stanthorpe just over the border in Queensland, mean there’s plenty of cattle about to hit the market ideal for restockers and those looking to background cattle for feedlots or slaughter. Click to check the original article.
The Land wants to know how readers rate the NSW government on regional and rural issues. Click to check the original article.
The recent Texas Panhandle wildfires have caused significant cattle losses for individual ranchers, but should not impact beef cattle markets or consumers, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service expert. David Anderson, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist in the Texas A&M Department of Agricultural Economics, Bryan-College Station, said it may be weeks before there are […]