Blog Post

Confinement feeding considerations for beef

Confinement feeding may be an alternative as cattlemen face the tough decision between feeding or herd liquidation. Karla Wilke, professor and cow-calf and stocker management specialist at the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center in Scottsbluff, says proper management considerations and taking advantage of feedstuffs opportunities can make for a healthy herd and […]

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Tremendous result in Pine Creek's first sole female sale

Offering females at live auction for the first time in over 20 years, Pine Creek Angus, Woodstock, had a full clearance of pregnancy-tested-in-calf heifers in their Pine Creek festive Female sale with buyers from across NSW, Queensland, and South Australia securing stud females. Click to check the original article.

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CSIRO report backs ag-based carbon methodologies

AUSTRALIA’S national science agency CSIRO has published an assessment of twelve carbon sequestration technologies and the role they could play in helping Australia reach net zero emissions. The report, prepared for the Climate Change Authority with co-funding from the Clean Energy Regulator, looks at a range of carbon sequestration options for supporting Australia’s national emissions […]

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MLA’s 2022 cattle market year in review

BUYER demand, a greater selectivity on quality and wet weather were the hallmarks of a historically momentous 2022 year for Australia’s cattle industry. Australia’s cattle market continued to experience exceptional operating conditions on-farm in 2022, with above-average weather patterns supporting improved long-term confidence. However, the wet weather also hampered cattle performance in both the paddock […]

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Unity, sense of purpose keys for new Cattle Australia board

New CA chairman David Foote, flanked by his six northern and southern zone directors at last night’s CA launch in Brisbane   THE broader beef industry got its first chance to get a bead on freshly-minted Cattle Australia chair, David Foote, and his board during the new grassfed cattle industry peak council’s official launch held […]

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Senate inquiry recommends biosecurity import levy

What does Swiss Cheese have to do with biosecurity? This illustrative infographic developed by Dr Aaron Dodd of the University of Melbourne, and highlighted in the senate inquiry report, shows how multi-layered biosecurity strategies work: – “Biosecurity is like a block of swiss cheese,” Dr Dodd explains. “Every slide has holes, but when those holes […]

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