Blog Post

5 Tips to reducing hay loss

Good-quality hay bales are like precious gems. They’re valuable and worthy of your safest storage, says Charles Ellis, University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agricultural engineering. Proper storage is one way producers can reduce hay waste. Ellis offers a few steps to consider when deciding what hay to store: Know your hay’s nutritional value. […]

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Input costs, interest rates weigh on farmers’ minds

Unlike the two most recent presidential elections, the November mid-term election outcomes did little to swing farmer sentiment. The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer came in at a reading of 102 in November, unchanged from October. There was, however, slight movement in both of the barometer’s sub-indices. The Current Conditions Index declined 3 points […]

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Farm Progress America, December 6, 2022

Max Armstrong reports on denial of a request to get an exemption from the 11-hour driving rule and 14-hour driving window. The truckers who haul livestock, insects and aquatic life requested the exemption in 2018 asking for flexibility to consider the live nature of the cargo they haul. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration claimed […]

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John Lewis-Stempel: The stained-glass window made by nature

Plodding home in the gloaming, through a wood stripped bare by November gales, John Lewis-Stempel stumbles across a magical fairy ring of wood-blewit fungi. Into the November wood, the low mist seeping in from a Victorian graveyard. And it is cold, the sort of cold that enters the marrow of the bone and the core […]

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Weaner steers make 539c/$1128 at Moreton | Queensland Country Life

Colin Cork consigned weaner steers that sold to 539.2c/kg to return $1128. Weaner heifers from Allan Sellin made 425.2c to come back at $846. Emervale sold weaner bulls for 467.2c to realise $957. Ross Sticklen and Janine Lau sold backgrounder steers for 449.2c and feeder heifers for 407.2c to return $1482 and $1343 respectively. Click […]

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