NQ tops country for on-farm fatalities
Research has revealed two particular areas where there is a reoccuring loss of life on North Queensland farms Click to check the original article.
Research has revealed two particular areas where there is a reoccuring loss of life on North Queensland farms Click to check the original article.
Palana Poll Dorset sell heavily into Northern Tablelands. Click to check the original article.
Impressive Willow Tree property Glasston presents as an opportunity to own your own valley. Click to check the original article.
Hopes pinned on a weather issue in some of the major corn-growing regions. Click to check the original article.
Lieschke family reassess enterprise options at Alma Park Click to check the original article.
New QAAFI lab seeks $4M to find BVDV cure in Queensland cattle. Click to check the original article.
THE national slaughter statistics for the week ended Friday show last week was the largest adult cattle kill for the year so far, hitting 127,465 head. Apart from a brief rush later last year due to dry conditions pushing extra cattle to market, it’s the biggest national kill seen since May 2020, when the last […]
Yarding 5734 Change +313 Roma Agents yarded 5,734 head. Cattle were drawn from far western Qld, the Warrego and the local supply district. All the regular processors, feedlotters and backgrounders present and active with the well bred lines receiving the most attention. Light weight yearling steers under 200kg sold from 438c to 452c to average […]
NATIONALLY, there has been a gradual improvement in Total Standing Dry Matter levels in the past two weeks. The impact of flooding and ongoing weather events in northern Australia has not only influenced biomass levels in the Gulf region of Queensland, but also further downstream as runoff and flooding impacts biomass levels. Imagery and analysis […]
Weaner steers reach 506c at Roma Click to check the original article.
Bree Cudmore, Vic, wins 2024 state championship. Click to check the original article.
The first road trains of granular fertiliser have now been dispatched from Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Kwinana warehouse. Click to check the original article.