Blog Post

Roma sale 27 Feb 2024: Yarding lifts slightly to 5734 head

Yarding 5734 Change +313 Roma Agents yarded 5,734 head. Cattle were drawn from far western Qld, the Warrego and the local supply district. All the regular processors, feedlotters and backgrounders present and active with the well bred lines receiving the most attention. Light weight yearling steers under 200kg sold from 438c to 452c to average […]

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National Feedbase Summary 28 February 2024

NATIONALLY, there has been a gradual improvement in Total Standing Dry Matter levels in the past two weeks. The impact of flooding and ongoing weather events in northern Australia has not only influenced biomass levels in the Gulf region of Queensland, but also further downstream as runoff and flooding impacts biomass levels. Imagery and analysis […]

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