Blog Post

Potholes cause crisis in regional rural NSW transport | The Land

If successive Australian and state governments had listened to their rural and regional communities and worked in collaboration to ‘Build better before’ perhaps the current crisis in regional rural transport might have been averted, and the infrastructure might have been “stronger, better, and more able to withstand the challenge posed by (the current) natural disasters”. […]

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Global Smart Commodity Group adds live cattle trading to platform

Global Smart Commodity Group, a multi-asset class commodities exchange, has announced that Salus, the commodities trading platform built on blockchain technology, will begin providing live cattle as a traded commodity. Intended to speed up the commodity trading process, there will be two available types of live cattle offered on the platform: live cattle and feeder […]

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CoBank: Efforts to temper inflation, cool economy will continue

The Federal Reserve is finding it harder to cool the economy than almost anyone expected. Most corners of the U.S. economy are performing very well considering the Fed has been aggressively raising rates for seven months. Manufacturing continues to expand, consumer spending remains strong, the labor market is still extremely tight and Q3 GDP data […]

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Fall is a Key Culling Decision Time for Cow-calf Operations

Being an extension economist in a feeder cattle state, I don’t know how many times I have said, “This calf market needs some green grass!” Nothing fuels calf prices like spring pasture and the opposite typically occurs in the fall. As pasture growth comes to a close, the full impact of feed prices are felt […]

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Interior sets $210m for Western drought resilience

The U.S..Interior Department has announced $210 million in funding from the recently enacted infrastructure bill for Western water storage and conveyance, including $137 million for projects in California’s Central Valley. The projects are expected to develop over 1.7 million acre-feet of additional water storage capacity, enough water to support 6.8 million people for a year, […]

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Smithfield’s Kailen Hodgson wins Young Lot Feeder award + VIDEO

A SMITHFIELD feedlot manager has taken out this year’s Young Lot Feeder of the Year award for his work on creating autogenous vaccines for bovine respiratory disease in cattle. Kailen Hodgson received the award at BeefEx gala dinner in Brisbane on Wednesday night. His Young Lot Feeder award predecessor and 2021 winner James Guest was […]

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