Blog Post

August pork exports trend higher as beef exports top $1b

August exports of U.S. pork topped year-ago totals for the first time in 2022, according to data released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Beef exports were slightly above last August’s large volume and again topped $1 billion in value, reaching this milestone in seven out of eight months this […]

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Biosecurity: Start with small steps

Animal disease outbreaks are a common sight in today’s headlines. Avian influenza, African swine fever, and foot-and-mouth disease are just a few examples. Producers can take steps to minimize the risk of a disease outbreak on their livestock premises. When beef producers increase biosecurity measures to decrease the likelihood of foreign animal diseases, they are […]

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Monitoring reveals quoll survival secrets | The Land

The ongoing monitoring program, which is a partnership between DPI and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, relies on systematic camera trapping at the latrine sites and adjacent woodland habitat, and targeted searches for quoll scats at the sites. Click to check the original article.

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Suckers shine in big wet

We usually see the flush in August and September, but some producers may even keep their lambs and shear them in November. Click to check the original article.

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When to cull bulls | Beef Magazine

It is common practice this time of year to evaluate our cows to make culling decisions, but this is also a good time to evaluate our bulls to determine which sires we are going to feed through the winter and which have come to the end of their genetic contribution to the operation. Bulls, much […]

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National Institute for Animal Agriculture partners with CDC

In August, The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) hosted a group of ten farmers, ranchers, and veterinarians on a tour and engagement visit with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Each year the Cattlemen’s Beef Board designates Beef Checkoff funding to programming that includes research, foreign marketing, industry information, consumer information and […]

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What is the real cost of mineral supplementation?

For some management practices calculating the return on investment is straightforward. Unfortunately, determining the cost vs. benefit of mineral supplementation is not always clear. This is why it seems when input costs go up, the mineral is one of the things that can be easy to cut out or replace with a less expensive, lower […]

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The best sounds of the countryside

Be it bees buzzing around pollen, a breeze through a field of wheat or the barking of deer, there are certain sounds that will forever evoke our British countryside, wherever you might find yourself, says John Lewis-Stempel. Close your eyes, lie back and think of Britain and its landscapes. On the screens of the eyelid […]

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Farm Progress America, October 6, 2022

Max Armstrong points to the link between human and animal health. He shares insights from the One Health Initiative looking at the link between animal health, human health and the environment. Dr. Leah Dorman, Phibro Animal Health, discusses the work of the organization which is improving the outcomes for humans. The approach helps society monitor […]

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