Blog Post

Steers steady to firmer in 18,343 head AuctionsPlus offering

This line of 72 Droughtmaster steers 12-16 months averaging 284kg from Emerald, QLD returned 405c/kg on Friday and will travel to a buyer near Blackwater, QLD. Listings eased 11 percent to 18,343 head in AuctionsPlus commercial cattle sales this week. Clearance came in at 54pc, down 5pc drop on the same time last week. Breeding […]

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Farm Progress America, February 23, 2024

Mike Pearson tells listeners about the data collected in the latest ag census by the USDA. The ag census information just released covers the years 2017-2022. Every five years, National Ag Statistics Service or NASS, a part of the USDA, sends out a survey to farmers to understand what is happening in agriculture and what […]

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When 150 acres of magnificent Oxfordshire just isn’t enough? Buy the estate, and pick up the next-door neighbour as part of the deal

The sale of one great Oxfordshire farm estate has prompted the sale of its neighbour — a situation that throws up intriguing possibilities, as Penny Churchill explains. Why buy one Cotswolds farm when you can buy two? That’s the question being posed in north Oxfordshire, where Philip Hoare of Savills Farms & Estates in Banbury is […]

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WA livestock producer receives penalty for animal cruelty

An 86 year old Narrogin Valley livestock producer has been fined $34,000 (suspended for 12 months) and ordered to pay $7,500 in legal costs, after pleading guilty to four counts of animal cruelty in the Narrogin Magistrates Court this week. The Magistrate noted a relatively long suspension period was required to ensure the offender understood […]

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