Blog Post

Strategies for minimizing stress at weaning time

Calves separating from their dams at weaning can experience stress, especially if they undergo vaccinations and other processing procedures at the same time, said the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast. “Stress happens when the calf is exposed to a new or unusual situation, so our goal is […]

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Study examines price ranges from fed cattle negotiated cash sales

In the wake of unprecedented market shocks in the fed cattle industry, researchers at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture teamed up with Mississippi State University and Texas A&M University to analyze the factors affecting price ranges in negotiated cash sales. The study indicates that additional information from the reported data is needed to […]

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Nature’s winners and losers of the summer of 2022

Blazing heat and — belatedly — thundering rains caused havoc with Nature this summer, but there are always those who thrive and those who struggle in unusual times. Julie Harding takes a look at who came off best in the past few turbulent months. Good summer for Sunbathing reptiles English winemakers Birds from hotter climes Blue […]

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Farm Progress America, September 7, 2022

Max Armstrong reports that Brazil is going to plant soybeans like never before and if the weather cooperates the country is in for a record harvest – 300 million tons. That’s according to CONAB, the statistics agency from Brazil. The 14% boost is being attributed to two factors – more planted area and a boost […]

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