Mount Isa apprentice among growing number making switch to Hastings Deering
54 apprentices started their four year program in Brisbane. Click to check the original article.
54 apprentices started their four year program in Brisbane. Click to check the original article.
He has helped out at Woolorama each year, whether that be setting up or packing up, or manning the entry gates, and has also been heavily involved in local volunteer groups such as the Wagin Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service, where he is currently the lieutenant, and also the Wagin Action Group (WAGs) – a […]
Prices for feeder steers and heavy weaner steers were strong at the Monto sale. Click to check the original article.
Gas giant Santos has reported a lower 2023 profit after revenue fell by a quarter but says demand remains “strong” for fuels critical to the energy transition. Click to check the original article.
Stuart, Emily, Nat, Maddi, Austin and Charlotte Hann, Nampara, and employee Airlie Treloar with the stud’s $66,000 sale topper, Nampara Powershift T134. Bull sales have continued across South Australia and Victoria, with some NSW buyers featuring among the galleries. Nampara Angus, Lucindale, SA The stud sold 92 of 93 bulls to a $66,000 top and […]
There were 580 head yarded on Wednesday. Click to check the original article.
The annual event was held over the weekend. Click to check the original article.
Mr Cunnington said the delays hit exporters hard with full and multiple shipments of cattle being held in yards and ships waiting outside of port, however there was also a knock-on effect to industry providers, who were out of usual live export related work, including veterinarians, fodder suppliers and transporters. Click to check the original […]
The Narrogin-born muso found a love for music in the country. Click to check the original article.
Delivering babies, battling snakes, and building community. Click to check the original article.
While the government said it remains committed to delivering the Murray Darling Basin Plan in full, working with the Commonwealth and other Basin States, it has repeated calls for this to be done in a way that reduces socio-economic impacts and ensures regional communities can prosper. Click to check the original article.
A farming lobby says Labor leaders whose states need the Great Artesian Basin should be fighting a carbon capture and storage trial in Queensland. Click to check the original article.