Blog Post

Have your say on the future of the Lake Eyre Basin

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water today launched public consultation on the draft Lake Eyre Basin Strategic Plan. Rivers and tributaries feeding into Lake Eyre Basin. Consultations are being sought from a wide range of stakeholders on the draft plan including farmers, industry bodies, First Nations and the wider Lake Eyre […]

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Laporan Pasar: Industri Daging Sapi Asia Tenggara – Juli 2022

Edisi ke 104 : Juli 2022.  Poin-poin utama :                     Penyakit Mulut & Kuku terus menyebar ke seluruh Indonesia. Kemajuan vaksinasi sangat lambat. Harga sapi Australia turun tajam.   Indonesia : Sapi Potong Steer AUD $5.15/kg bobot hidup (Rp 10.300 =  AUD $1) Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) terus menjadi penyebab utama pada dinamika ternak […]

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Roma sale 16 Aug 2022: Southern processors maintain presence

Yarding 2904 Change 241 Cattle continue to be predominantly drawn from the local supply area, in a mixed quality yarding with limited numbers of large single vendor lines. A good buying panel of mostly restockers was present and operating, including all regular processors however one processor was again absent. Southern processors continue to maintain a […]

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SE Asia Report: FMD continues to spread in Indo

See Bahasa Indonesia translation   See Vietnamese translation   104th Edition : July 2022 Key Points                                 Foot & Mouth Disease continues to spread throughout Indonesia. Vaccination progress disappointingly slow. Australian cattle prices declining sharply. Indonesia : Slaughter Steers AUD $5.15/kg live weight (Rp10,300 = $1AUD) Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) continues to be the […]

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Weekly rainfall update + rain outlook 17 August 2022

A SERIES of cold fronts crossed southern Australia during the week bringing moderate to heavy rain, strong winds, localised hail and some flooding in parts of Tasmania and Victoria. A low in the Bass Strait at the end of the week led to weekly rainfall totals of 100-150 mm in western and eastern Tasmania, South […]

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