Blog Post

Mixed bag for truffle growers

Heavy rainfall, the absence of a hot summer and late frosts have meant some truffle growers have had their worst year while others have harvested bumper crops. Click to check the original article.

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Old line holding up progress

Growers in the Lake Cargelligo and Tullibigeal areas believe that without a rail upgrade, the local grain sites can’t move with the times either. Click to check the original article.

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GRDC and FAR to trial new frost approaches | Farm Weekly

Working across Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, the project will explore how crop phenology – the biological life of a plant and how it is affected by seasonal and climatic conditions – can be manipulated using approaches such as plant growth regulators or mechanical defoliation. Click to check the original article.

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JBS manager says customers are spending less on beef

Jason CarswellTHE manager of JBS’ Australian feeder cattle supply says inflationary pressures and increasing interest rates are starting to have an impact on domestic and global demand for beef. Jason Carswell last week made a presentation to the Australian Brahman Breeders’ Association conference in Brisbane, highlighting the state of play with the world’s largest meat […]

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