Blog Post

Weekly kill: Meat trade spiralling towards crisis territory

A BLEAK picture is emerging in the export and domestic meat sales space this month, which will almost inevitably impact slaughter cattle pricing, going forward. Beef Central heard a sobering account of the current state of play in the meat processing industry during Brisbane show last week. While none of that was on the public […]

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Genetics: Choosing your BS – Beef Central

  CHOOSING your bull source (BS) is a critical decision for commercial cattle producers. There was some good discussion recently on Beef Central on how to source superior genetics that will improve herd profitability. This raised the question of how commercial producers can easily and affordably source industry leading genetics. The good news is that […]

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Five considerations before signing renewable energy contracts

RENEWABLE energy has received a big political backing in recent months, with the Federal Government hoping to dramatically increase its share of the grid and members of the crossbench keen to see more of it. Big projects are on the menu, with landowners told to expect more developers knocking on the door and making proposals […]

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