Hat trick for Basnett family at Gunning flock ewe competition
Bogo Merino-blood flock wins the 2024 Gunning flock ewe competition. Click to check the original article.
Bogo Merino-blood flock wins the 2024 Gunning flock ewe competition. Click to check the original article.
A spokesperson for the National Fire Ant Eradication Program said invasive pests nest in organic materials such as hay, straw, sugarcane and human-assisted movement, knowingly or otherwise, poses a risk to Australia’s environment, economy and outdoor way of life. Click to check the original article.
EXPECT to see some rising numbers in Queensland slaughter statistics in coming weeks, as new capacity and a return to work for some larger northern plants are captured in NLRS data. As flagged in this earlier Beef Central story, JBS Australia has kicked off its second Dinmore shift this week, now representing around 2400 head […]
Images courtesy of SAILS AUSTRALIAN cattle exports to China surged in January, but the jump in volume masks a tougher trading environment than the data at first glance suggests, according to a leading market figure. Australia exported 28,806 head in January, the largest monthly volume to the market according to readily available records going […]
The bull went under the hammer early on at the sale. Click to check the original article.
Droughtmaster cross steers reach $1760 at Beaudesert All Red sale Click to check the original article.
The research team has already collaborated with several grower groups in the Wheatbelt, including Stirlings to Coast Farmers, West Midlands Group, Facey Group, Liebe, Merredin & Districts Farm Improvement Group, Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network and South East Premium Wheatgrowers Association, but is now inviting individual farmers to participate in a survey. Click to check the […]
STUD cattle competition entries for May’s Beef 2024 event in Rockhampton closed yesterday, with an enormous 2024 nominations from breeders in all mainland Australian states, representing 29 breeds. The entry number is up 324 head or 19 percent on registrations in 2021, when the event was still hampered by COVID limitations. Not since pre-COVID Beef […]
Aligning with the evokeAG conference theme, Mr Watt spoke on the government’s commitment to the future of the sector.”Already Australian farmers are feeling the impact of climate change, with ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics) data showing that changes in seasonal conditions have already reduced farm profits by an average of 23 per […]
The Punter is buying 300 more shares in GrainCorp. Click to check the original article.
Burnett Livestock & Realty’s Biggenden Steer Sale on Thursday, February 8 saw a yarding of 2000 head. Click to check the original article.
Nominations for the Nutrien Ag Solutions Stud Cattle Championship closed at midnight on Monday. Click to check the original article.