Blog Post

Weekly rainfall update + rain outlook 27 July 2022

  There was persistent rainfall in southern Queensland and north-east New South Wales on the 21st and 22nd; daily rainfall totals recorded to 9am on the 22nd exceeded 100 mm at many sites in south-east Queensland Cold fronts and low pressure troughs brought rainfall to parts of southern Australia during the week Weekly rainfall totals […]

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Carbon price drops on the back of renewed criticism

Australian Carbon Credit Unit prices have dropped in the past month, with renewed criticism of the industry. Graph: Jarden AUSTRALIA’S carbon market has dropped off in the past month on the back of renewed criticism of certain methodologies under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). According to Jarden, the price of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) […]

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Cow market climbs at Roma

A yarding of 3670 was highlighted by an improvement in the cow market, while both steers and heifers eased across the board. Click to check the original article.

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