Blog Post

What you need to know about Foot & Mouth Disease

Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) has dominated headlines recently, but are you wondering what it is and why it matters to everyone, not just farmers? Here’s a 101 on this disease and why it’s important to know about it. What is FMD? FMD is a highly contagious animal viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed (split toe) […]

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Australian agriculture hit $70 billion in value last year

Australian agriculture had a bumper year in 2020-21, with a 17 per cent increase in value to $70.9 billion according to data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Amanda Clark, ABS Program Manager of Agriculture Statistics, said 2020-21 was a good year for agriculture with above average yields and record production for […]

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AgCarbon: a timeline of the story so far

  CARBON farming has made a big entrance to the agricultural industry in the past decade, with more than $2 billion tied up in projects across the country. While it has been controversial, the carbon industry has developed a lot since its creation 10-years-ago, with ongoing reforms and dozens of new methods created to capture […]

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Welcome to AgCarbon Central – Beef Central

WELCOME to AgCarbon Central, Australian agriculture’s first dedicated online gathering-point for news, analysis and opinion across the rapidly emerging carbon industry. The publishers of Beef, Sheep and Grain Central have monitored the spectacular rise in interest in carbon farming in recent years – a movement which is clearly going to be fundamental to agriculture’s future. We […]

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Weekly kill: Grid prices continue to descend, but processor withdrawals make movements less clear

THE recent trend in direct consignment slaughter cattle price declines continued this week, however price signals are now becoming less distinct, because some large northern operators have now withdrawn quotes altogether, knowing they have kills covered until well into August. Several large multi-site Queensland operators dropped their rates another 15-30c/kg on Friday, but a growing […]

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Cotton seed fuels case for feed yards at Kununurra

COTTON seed may be a by-product of the expanding northern cotton industry but it could create even more economic value than the fibre itself, some of the region’s most experienced agricultural stakeholders believe. Among them is Rob Boshammer, one of the Ord River Irrigation Area’s longest established and most successful farmers. “We have done the […]

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Mount Isa City Council streamlines waste management | The North West Star

“Because JJ Richards specialises in waste collection and their whole collection system and infrastructure is connected together with high levels of technology. Things like online tracking of vehicles, scanning of bins for contamination, issuing of notices to residents from the trucks, recording of every bin they collect and identifying problem collections. Just very efficient and […]

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