Blog Post

Weaners to 644c/kg at Gracemere

Brad Mulvihill, TopX Gracemere, with a Hinz Grazing Company, Mornish, pen of Brahman PTIC cows which reached $1700/head. Restocker demand underpinned prices at the combined Surplus Wet Weather Weaner Sale and Prime and Store Sale at Central Queensland Livestock Exchange Gracemere on Wednesday, where the steer price peaked at 644c/kg. The sale-topping weaner pen was […]

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Texas Tech, USDA mentorship offers insight into animal investigations

Texas Tech University’s Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the USDA teamed up to provide mentorship opportunities and practical experience to students pursuing careers in animal disease research with the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility Laboratorian Training Program, which is nearing the conclusion of its first year.  Eleven students were selected from nine universities […]

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Australia to roll out a national sheep and goat EID system

Federal Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt addressing the NSW Farmers conference this week. AUSTRALIA’S federal, state and territory governments have decided to roll out a national sheep and goat electronic identification system, Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt confirmed today. Mr Watt told Sheep Central that agreement had been reached yesterday between all state and territory […]

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6 strategies for mineral supplementation

Vitamins and minerals are a small portion of the beef diet, but they are important for normal cattle body function, which results in optimum health, growth and reproduction, says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension regional livestock field specialist. Davis offers six strategies to promote optimum cattle mineral and vitamin status, which will result in […]

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