Blog Post

Aussie pro-gamer wins millions in e-sport competition

Australia’s top pro-gamer has made millions by turning his love for gaming into a career similar to becoming a pro-athlete. Speaking on podcast I’ve Got News For You, James Giezen described his rise to become one of Australia’s top three pro-gamers – competing in international tournaments worth millions of dollars. Specialising in Player Unknown […]

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Export beef customers raising concerns, following yesterday’s inaccurate FMD publicity

AUSTRALIAN red meat exporters have fielded urgent inquiries from overseas customers overnight over the safety of Australian beef, following inaccurate and misleading headlines in metropolitan Australian media yesterday. The developments came after agriculture minister Murray Watt told a press briefing yesterday that fragments of FMD (not the disease itself) had been found in samples of […]

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FMD and LSD: Lots of talk but no meaningful action

Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) infection in Indonesia was officially announced on 3 March 2022. Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) infection was officially declared on 12 April. Since that time, four months for LSD and three months for FMD, action to control both diseases has been slow, uncoordinated, under-funded and generally ineffective. For both diseases the most […]

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FMD ‘uncontrolled’ in Indonesia as higher biosecurity fines mooted

Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt. HIGHER fines for breaching Australia’s biosecurity laws are being investigated following the detection of confirmed Foot and Mouth Disease virus fragments in a pork product on sale in Melbourne. When asked about the possibility of increasing fines and penalties, Federal Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt last night told more than […]

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When ‘FMD fragments’ fuel full blown fears

AUSTRALIA thankfully does not have foot and mouth disease, but headlines that followed yesterday’s media conference by agricultural minister Murray Watt may have led many to think otherwise: The new federal agriculture minister used a media conference to announce that during routine retail surveillance exercises, Departmental officers had detected foot and mouth disease and African […]

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50kg of CO2 to 1kg of beef, how common is it?

PRELIMINERY results from a soil carbon project in Central Queensland have been generating plenty of discussion in the past week, with claims the property has captured 50kg of CO2 per 1kg of beef. The figure was quoted at the RCS 30-year anniversary conference last weekend, with the company’s director Dr Terry McCosker referring to a […]

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