Blog Post

Keep summer cattle Marketing Current

Feedlot managers understand that heat stress reduces intake. This effect is more marked in cattle that are closer to their finishing weight, and during the first heat event of the season as cattle are not acclimated to heat yet.  Troy Walz. Feedlot managers should incorporate effects of heat on intake by cattle approaching their end weight […]

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Tackling biosecurity in finishing phase of swine production

In response to data from the Swine Disease Reporting System, leaders of the Swine Health Information Center recently shifted $1 million of its 2022 budget to focus specifically on biosecurity in the finishing phase of hog production. The data showed a number of disease pressures on finishers, from APP to PRRS, prompting the additional focus on that segment […]

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Work with vet to establish heifer vaccination plan

With weaning right around the corner and producers starting to think about their preconditioning programs, now is also the time to think about the different paths you can set your heifer calves on. They may be placed in a feedlot with their steer counterparts or grown as a prospect for replacement heifers for the cow […]

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