More northern land turned into national park
The announcement was made in Cairns today. Click to check the original article.
The announcement was made in Cairns today. Click to check the original article.
On a five-year rolling average, Australia grows about 47mt of grain each year and of that, pulses represent six per cent, making it the fourth largest grain crop behind wheat, barley and canola. Click to check the original article.
Tails | Bligh Amateur Racing Club celebrates 144 years of picnic racing. Click to check the original article.
Goondiwindi Regional Council is considering changing the way it allocates its pest management spending. Click to check the original article.
Residents of Cloncurry will pay an average of 3pc more in rates in this financial year after Cloncurry Shire Council adopted its 2022-2023 budget. Click to check the original article.
The Weekly Grill podcast host Kerry Lonergan this week turns up the heat on Central Queensland working dog legend, Frank Finger. Fresh from his appearances on ABC TV’s Working Dogs series Frank Besides running his property – west of Clermont in central Queensland – Finger has decades of experience raising and training working dogs. He […]
The Baralaba distrcit property Tykoba has sold for an impressive $2735/acre. Click to check the original article.
Latest listings on our Jobs Central recruitment page: Rural Merchandise Sales, Toowoomba – Total Rural Supplies Investment Analyst – Westchester Group of Australia Senior Farm Hand, WA – via Drover Ag Farm Manager, Regenerative Focus, NSW – via Drover Ag Assistant Manager, Central West Tablelands NSW – via Drover Ag Senior Station Hand, Gippsland Vic […]
“Even when I was at school, I was always aware of being a role model, and through both my apprenticeship and award, I hope to continue to showcase work opportunities for young Indigenous people, along with helping break down barriers and preconceived perceptions.” Click to check the original article.
Higher yields and higher prices to offset large increase in input costs Click to check the original article.
Man survives horror bulldozer rollover near Gympie Click to check the original article.
The winner was calculated after voting closed on Thursday night. Click to check the original article.