Registrations open for Isa Street Parade
Mount Isa City Council says registrations are now open for the 2022 Isa Festival Parade. Click to check the original article.
Mount Isa City Council says registrations are now open for the 2022 Isa Festival Parade. Click to check the original article.
AHRI’s mantra is simple – more crop, fewer weeds, sustainably. Click to check the original article.
The Showgirl Awards aim to “recognise, develop and celebrate young female leaders in our communities”. The Showgirl Awards allow agricultural shows to engage young women in their communities to develop their leadership skills and confidence to continue their involvement in and represent their agricultural show. Click to check the original article.
“Our Rockhampton Base transfers the most patients of the 12,000 patients we fly across Queensland each year, and in the period of the landing fees, our crews flew the equivalent distance of almost two trips to the moon and back – delivering lifesaving care along the way,” Ms Staib said. Click to check the original […]
“I know the family – not so much the son, but the parents – and I think the media coverage of this (death followed closely by WorkSafe’s inquiry announcement) could lead someone to believe that they had no care in safety, which I know is not the case,” Sonia Tipton, a Hyden wool handler and […]
RF and DK Hams, Cooly, St George, sold Droughtmaster cross steers to 680c, reaching $2071 to average $1931. JR, RM, MD and FE Bidgood, Katooma, Injune, sold Charolais steers to 674c, reaching $2032 to average $1911. HJT Family Trust, De-Ankerr, Yuleba, sold Charolais cross steers to 670c, reaching $1903 to average $1741. The Charolais cross […]
Eachamvale and Barronessa reign supreme at Malanda Show Click to check the original article.
The Malanda Show had record attendance over the weekend, with over ten thousand people flocking through the gates. Click to check the original article.
“There was only two stock losses during the competition, which given the weather, was a remarkable result,” he said. “As well as that, there was also very few hospital visits, which I think is just proof of the good work being done at Beef City because the wet weather would have made things more challenging […]
Popularity for Highland cattle has boomed as more people make the tree change and commercial breeders get a piece of the action. Click to check the original article.
Kelly is the National Digital Specialist for ACM Agriculture, covering Queensland Country Life, The Land, Farmonline, Stock Journal, Stock & Land, Farm Weekly and the North Queensland Register. Kelly is the National Digital Specialist for ACM Agriculture, covering Queensland Country Life, The Land, Farmonline, Stock Journal, Stock & Land, Farm Weekly and the North Queensland […]
The previous placings of all 15 finalists will be cleared and any bull could take the top prize. Click to check the original article.