Electricians among showgirl finalists
Meet some of the 2022 Queensland Country Life Showgirl entrants Click to check the original article.
Meet some of the 2022 Queensland Country Life Showgirl entrants Click to check the original article.
IN recent months, numerous grazing properties across Australia have returned to the market after failing to sell at auction. Are vendor expectations too high, with some suggesting these properties are now sitting above the market at their current list price, or is buyer hesitancy creeping in? In this week’s property review, marketing agents give their […]
Growers can contact their local McIntosh & Son dealership or go to mcintoshandson.com.au/stock to view current available units. Click to check the original article.
“Prior to the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project (REP) (which began in 2019 after 15 years of planning and research), the majority of cattle on-island were destroyed to increase areas aerially or hand baited, and decrease the area baited via bait station, to give the project the best chance of success,” the LHIB proposal […]
Over 3000 head were yarded at the Charters Towers combined agents’ prime and store sale. Click to check the original article.
A group of cattle producers has sent an open letter to the chair of the Grassfed Cattle Industry Restructure Steering Committee calling for answers to several questions about the current process to replace Cattle Council of Australia with Cattle Australia as the sector’s new peak industry council. The distribution of the letter to media today […]
A SERIES of cold fronts and low pressure troughs brought rainfall to southern Australia during the week Strong westerly flow brought the highest weekly totals over western Tasmania The highest weekly total was 153.8 mm at Mount Read in western Tasmania, while weekly totals in excess of 100 mm were widespread across western Tasmania North-east Tasmania also […]
Biosecurity is front and centre currently, with the nation welcoming a new federal government recently, the NSW government flagging a record spend on biosecurity in the upcoming state budget, and a current outbreak of one of the most feared diseases for our livestock industry occurring right on Australia’s doorstep. Click to check the original article.
The annual show attracted 125 exhibits. Click to check the original article.
A PLEDGE to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent within the next decade has been leading plenty of discussion in recent weeks, with the Federal Government indicating it might be making the commitment. Led by United States’ president Joe Biden, the Global Methane Pledge was signed by 119 countries at last year’s COP26 summit in […]
STAFF and visitors on one of the Barkly Tableland’s iconic cattle stations paused for a few hours this afternoon to celebrate and reflect on a century of operations under the management of the Australian Agricultural Co. AA Co’s subsidiary the Peel River Land & Cattle Co bought Avon Downs in 1921, but the 100-year milestone […]
New Acland Coal Mine on the Darling Downs has received another key approval. Click to check the original article.