NQR 130: Did 1080 poisoning campaigns ignite pig problem
They believed the dingos kept the pig population down by attacking suckers. Click to check the original article.
They believed the dingos kept the pig population down by attacking suckers. Click to check the original article.
A Queensland mine will spend $2m on rehabilitation after it struck a deal with the government. Click to check the original article.
Cooper Metals have completed its first pass of drilling at King Solomon prospect saying it had exceeded their expectations. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
“Self-diagnosing your pet, unless you are a trained veterinarian, can delay vital medical treatment your pet may need. Similarly, using expired animal medicines may be ineffectual or even dangerous so if you have a sick animal, always consult your vet. And when it comes to those old veterinary medicines lying about the place, a good […]
Senior rugby was back on the Downs last weekend after the representative bye. Click to check the original article.
Field day offers chances to upskill for far western landholders. Click to check the original article.
Grade 10 students from Cloncurry State School have traded traditional classroom lessons for an day of trade-based activities at a Tradies for a Day workshop. Click to check the original article.
Last week, The Nationals Party leader David Littleproud visited Parliament House and met with supply chain representatives affected by Federal Labor’s proposal to phase out live export. Click to check the original article.
Karumba’s Outback by the Sea festival has released its program with six days of entertainment that will please everyone from nine to ninety. Click to check the original article.
Some yearling steers to feed experienced fair demand, however most were 20c to 30c/kg cheaper. Yearling heifers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 30c to 50c less, and heavy weights averaged 8c/kg cheaper. Good heavy weight cows lost a further 7c to 8c, and medium weights were 6c to 16c/kg cheaper. Click to […]