Driver charged following crash that killed popular Bollon grazier
Bollon grazier Scott Todd was killed in the freak accident in Thargomindah. Click to check the original article.
Bollon grazier Scott Todd was killed in the freak accident in Thargomindah. Click to check the original article.
A Queensland father of six has hailed his youngest daughter after her tragic death on a family trip to the Northern Territory. Click to check the original article.
Ms King’s support will be crucial. Prior to the election, the then opposition infrastructure spokesperson said there were real concerns about the escalating cost of the 1715km line. The entire Inland Rail project between the Port of Melbourne and the Port of Brisbane would be reviewed if Labor won government, she said. Click to check […]
The degree was championed by the Regenerative Agricultural Alliance (RAA) with consultation from the Institute of Ecological Agriculture, as well as the RAA Industry Advisory Group, which includes agricultural revolutionaries such as Charles Massy, Bruce Pascoe and Terry McCosker. Click to check the original article.
A Mount Isa backyard ultra has pushed 24 brave competitors to the limit of their endurance. Click to check the original article.
Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to 666c to average 602c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 515c to 525c with sales to 588c, with some to restockers reaching 596c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 546c to average 484c/kg. Click to check the original article.
Six studs across will open their gates today as The Land’s Northern Beef Week continues for day three of the 2022 event. Click to check the original article.
While the live export issue dominated much of Mr Littleproud’s time in WA, meeting with livestock producers and WAFarmers, the former Federal agriculture minister also discussed the issues of national biosecurity, Australia’s relationship with China and sung his praises for the The Nationals six WA MPs, saying they had done “an incredible job” in holding […]
Immediate and extended family gathered in Hughenden Wednesday to celebrate Joyce’s incredible innings where she was presented with congratulatory letters from the Queen, Governor General, Queensland Premier and Bob and Robbie Katter by Flinders Shire Council mayor Jane McNamara. Click to check the original article.
Bill and Suzanne Pickersgill use Brangus cattle as part of a strategic breeding mix aimed at several markets. Click to check the original article.
In 2001 the Register reported that northern producers believed their giant properties and management styles would make it “all but impossible”. Click to check the original article.
The highly popular Win a Pen of Santa Gertrudis Steers competition is again underway with The Land joining forces with the Santa Gertrudis Breeders Australia Association and its stud breeders that have purchased the steers being donated. Click to check the original article.