Blog Post

Tips for keeping cattle feeding areas clean

Recent rains and rising temperatures have led to a need for cattle producers to clean feeding areas, says Kansas State University Livestock Specialist Joel DeRouchey. Among the chores, DeRouchey suggests: Pull manure out of areas where it has accumulated. Make sure drainage areas are clear. Remove manure from the pens and consider […]

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Red meat exports drive value back to corn, soybean growers

Record-level red meat exports of $18.7 billion in 2021 had a major impact on the corn and soybean industries, according to an independent study by the Juday Group. The study quantified the returns that red meat exports brought to corn and soybean producers in 2021 nationally, and at state levels for leading corn-producing and soybean-producing […]

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Is Twiggy Forrest positioning for a takeover bid for AA Co?

IS Western Australian mining magnate Twiggy Forrest positioning himself for a takeover bid for the world’s largest beef producer, the Australian Agricultural Co? The financial market was alive with speculation this afternoon, as evidence emerged of Mr Forrest’s stake in AA Co rising dramatically yesterday, to 17.4 percent of the stock. The overwhelming majority of […]

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Henry Moore: The sculptor who achieved the impossible

Henry Moore achieved international fame as a sculptor, despite once being denounced for promoting ‘the cult of ugliness’. And he also remained a most unassuming man, finds Laura Gascoigne, as two new exhibitions of his work prepare to welcome visitors. Sculptors are very rarely household names, but no one who lived through the 1960s could […]

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