NQR 130: Northern railway makes tracks
The railway network was heavily relied on in the early 1900s. Click to check the original article.
The railway network was heavily relied on in the early 1900s. Click to check the original article.
The investment properties were sold, which provided the deposit and some working capital, and in 2019 they were the proud owners of the 24ha Donegal, just west of Wagga Wagga. They started with a small number of cattle and 50 ewes, which were meant to be dry. They continue to trade cattle but now have […]
“This year we have an abundance of pumpkin and our chooks are laying really well, so instead of having it go to waste or eating it with every meal, we encouraged Toby to earn some pocket money and sell some to the local tourists camping at Mary Kathleen,” she said. Click to check the original […]
The video is disturbing if you’re not familiar with the cattle feeding business. Rows of dead, black-hided, fed cattle lined up in the harsh sun. Nearly as disturbing is the commentary on social media surrounding the as-yet-unverified video, which made the rounds June 15, and has garnered several thousand views in a short time. A […]
A holistic approach to soils delivers cotton yields at Berwicks Click to check the original article.
The Carmody family, Clare Downs, Prenti Downs station, Wiluna and Esperance, will be the sale’s largest individual vendor with a draft of 250 Shorthorn and Shorthorn cross steers and heifers at the Nutrien Livestock June Special store cattle sale at the Muchea Livestock Centre on Friday, June 24. Livestock Centre on Friday, June 24. Click […]
Cotton Young Achiever of the Year Announced Click to check the original article.
A series of slow-moving long-wave troughs caused a persistent stream of cold air over south-eastern Australia during the first two weeks of June. Click to check the original article.
America could be the next big market for Australian beef, an industry analyst has told producers. Click to check the original article.
The investment will be spread over four years. Click to check the original article.
Robbie Katter has announced his electorate funding and project priorities ahead of the Queensland Budget’s release next week. Click to check the original article.
“There’s plenty of soil down the road from us, about 10 kilometres away, that’s what we call wallaby country because it could barely grow a blade of grass, and as a result, there’s not many people around the place because you can’t make make a living off that sort of land. Click to check the […]