Westvale Merinos complete 40th anniversary sale.
Westvale Merinos complete 40th anniversary sale. Click to check the original article.
Westvale Merinos complete 40th anniversary sale. Click to check the original article.
DAFF live export decision maker Andrew McDonald. BELEAGURED Israeli-owned live export vessel the MV Bahijah focused senators on a number of trade issues at a Senate Estimates hearing yesterday. As the vessel unloaded its 14,000 sheep and 1500 cattle at Fremantle in Western Australia, senators on the Rural Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee grilled […]
Troy Setter THE head of the live export industry’s peak research and development corporation has defended the industry’s animal welfare credentials and called out animal welfare groups for using live export as a “money-making exercise” rather than making a contribution to animal welfare outcomes. Appearing in his role as Livecorp chair Troy Setter fronted estimates […]
Meet Bella Gale from Bella Gale Collective who loves telling stories through her images from the outback. Click to check the original article.
Nationally, biomass levels remain steady or slightly improved as a result of recent weather events, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of the country. As many graziers & land managers have noted, pasture mass levels in some areas are well above the long-term average, while significant areas of growth in response to rainfall are […]
MEAT & Livestock Australia has launched an updated version of its online, web-based greenhouse gas calculator. The previous version enabled sheep and beef producers to calculate their baseline carbon emissions by digitising the Sheep and Beef Greenhouse Accounting Framework (SB-GAF), and grain producers through the Grain Greenhouse Accounting Framework (G-GAF) tools. Now, enterprises that include […]
A SOFTENING in feeder steer prices over the past week has pushed margins on 100-day grainfed cattle a little closer to breakeven – but the numbers remain mostly in the red, for the timebeing. Beef Central’s latest grainfed trading budget calculated this morning, using our standard set of variables (see description at base of page) […]
‘We gave a lot of thought to this proposal.’ Click to check the original article.
The family have adapted their operation to meet supply demands. Click to check the original article.
Signs are pointing to a stronger year for northern feeder cattle exports from Australia to Indonesia in 2024 – but much still relies on the timing of the release of permits following today’s Indonesian elections. A file image of the Girolando Express docked at Darwin. Pic: NTLEA Reports of improving demand conditions in Indonesia and […]
Yarding 5420 Change -2359 Cattle were drawn from a wide supply area including Longreach Quilpie Wyandra Cunnamulla and the local supply district. All the regular processors feedlotters and backgrounders operating. The market was softer for all descriptions with the exception of the bull category. Yearling steers 200 to 280kg topped at 524c to average 470c/kg. […]
Ag college welcomes wellbeing dog Delilah to the team. Click to check the original article.