Mount Isa man charged with serious assault of police
A police sergeant in Mount Isa has sustained a significant laceration to his forehead requiring stitches after a bottle of alcohol was allegedly thrown. Click to check the original article.
A police sergeant in Mount Isa has sustained a significant laceration to his forehead requiring stitches after a bottle of alcohol was allegedly thrown. Click to check the original article.
This simple stir-fried dish uses fresh Australian garlic in a buttery sauce to coat delicious and tender prawns. If you want to make things even easier, you can skip the deep-frying step and just cook the prawns directly in the garlic butter sauce.Serves: 4-6 as part of a shared mealPreparation time: 10 min Standing time: […]
Angus cross steers weighing 430kg returned to $2183 with the heifers weighing 445kg to return $2110. A line of Charolais cross Droughtmaster heifers ex Ravensbourne sold to 498c to return $1544. Angus steers a/c T and K Emmett, Crows Nest, sold to 680c to return $1428 Click to check the original article.
The NSW Government has announced a record $163.9 million in the 2022-23 NSW Budget, describing the move as a critical measure to protect the strength of regional communities. “The regions continue to make a remarkable recovery after a really difficult few years, however a biosecurity incursion that could put our agricultural industries in jeopardy could […]
IMPORTANT new research has been released to assist Australia’s beef industry improve its carbon footprint and find practical ways producers can stay ahead of consumer expectations while remaining internationally competitive. The Carbon Footprint and Reduction Options 2025 report is the culmination of an 18-month research project led by Twiggy Forrest’s Harvest Road, Meat & Livestock […]
IT is an eventuality that will hopefully not materialise, but were foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) to make its way from nearby Indonesia to Australia, a direct result under current rules would be the likely immediate imposition of a national livestock standstill. What would that entail? The answer is laid out in Australia’s AUSVETPLAN, a nationally agreed […]
Mr Cumming said the problem was the tests typically used to measure total carbon in soil were not sophisticated enough to accurately measure the difference between inactive charcoal, which could be 0.9-1.1pc of a sample, and the crucial active carbon, the 0.1 percent of the sample which “did the work” in the soil. Click to […]
While the logistics of planting have been difficult, plenty of oats crops are still in the ground in Northern NSW. Photo: Henry Wells WITH rain drenching large parts of Queensland and New South Wales well into Autumn this year, the outlook for winter fodder crops is proving to be a mixed bag – with many […]
The recent cold snap has left many around the north feeling the bite of winter. Click to check the original article.
Buchanan Park will come alive with displays and events for this year’s show which celebrates its 40th anniversary. Click to check the original article.
Peter and Mary Brough, Neurum, sold pens of Droughtmaster steers for $2005 and $1870. Phil Duggan & Stock, Hunchy, sold a pen of Charbray cross cows for $2260. De Pickering Pty Ltd, Mt Mee, sold Hereford cross weaner steers for $1690. Melissa Thornton, Harlin, sold Droughtmaster cross steer calves for $1400 and males for $1590. […]
More than 1500 head were yarded for last Wednesday’s sale. Click to check the original article.