Still time to enter this weekend's Pulverise at Peacock Park
There is still time to enter this weekend’s trail running event at Lake Moondarra raising funds in a good cause. Click to check the original article.
There is still time to enter this weekend’s trail running event at Lake Moondarra raising funds in a good cause. Click to check the original article.
Weaner steers accounted for 30pc of the total offering online last week, while breeding cow offerings were reduced. Click to check the original article.
Record priced kelpie Hoover lost in tragic farm accident Click to check the original article.
The 19-year-old grew up at the Elgin Park Charolais and Shorthorns stud. Click to check the original article.
Find out who bought the top-priced dog and where it is headed. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
Ongoing adjustments of beef consumption – and margins – expected: Rabobank Click to check the original article.
Rylington Park farm managers Marc (left) and Erlanda Deas, Edith Cowan University (ECU) research theme leader professor Kerry Brown, two of Rylington Park donor Eric Farleigh’s grandsons, brothers David and Brian Farleigh, ECU deputy vice chancellor Cobie Rudd, Shire of Boyup Brook chief executive officer Dale Putland and shire president Richard Walker at last week’s […]
Nev Watts, Ropeley, sold a pen of Brahkle cows and calves for $4900, a nine-month-old Speckle bull for $2260 and Angus cows and calves for $3600 and $3500. George Miller, Mt Whitestone, sold a pen of Brahman cows and calves for $3600 and Brahman cows for $2200. Metcalf Farms, Mt Sylvia, sold a Santa bull […]
Dignitaries at the Golf Club event included Mayor Danielle Slade and featured Samoan ex-pats such as Dr Jos Pouesi, a local GP who has worked in Mount Isa for almost 15 years and is a deacon at Mount Isa’s newly established Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, along with Reverend Tapenaga Reupena and his wife, Olita […]
After fleeing a dictatorship for a better life, this doctor is now fighting to better the health of a small country town. Click to check the original article.