Blog Post

Meeting Water Needs of Cattle in the Feedlot

Various factors affect water intake; but temperature, humidity and feed intake are the main drivers. Additionally, the first heat events of the season (late May and early June) are the most stressful on cattle: cattle are generally reaching finishing weight and condition, they are not acclimated to heat, and they have not shed their winter […]

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Bion, UNL to collaborate on integrated beef facility

Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc., a developer of advanced livestock waste treatment technology, has announced a letter of intent with University of Nebraska-Lincoln to collaborate to develop an integrated beef facility. The new, state-of-the-art facility would incorporate innovative barns, an anaerobic digester and a Bion 3G Tech system, to provide waste treatment, generate renewable energy, and capture and […]

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Upcoming series: Drought management in beef operations

Drought management in beef operations will headline an online economics series June 15, July 6 and July 27. The Drought Management and Economics Series will be presented by Jason Smith,  Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service beef cattle specialist, and Justin Benavidez, AgriLife Extension economist, both in Amarillo. Related: Utilize your control High Plains beef cattle producers’ systems are […]

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Managing heat stress | Beef Magazine

  We have had some variations in weather this spring with hot weather and intermittent stretches of cooler temperatures when storm fronts come through. The cooler temperatures are welcome, but they keep livestock from acclimatizing to hot temperatures, increasing the heat stress when hotter temperatures return. Related: US, Japan formalize updated beef agreement In hot […]

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Cattle markets transition to Summer

As we move into June, cattle markets are transitioning into summer mode, reflecting seasonality and a myriad of other factors which are currently impacting markets.Market impacts vary across different classes of cattle. Steer calf prices posted a double top in February and again in early April with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine causing […]

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