Blog Post

Grain growers need to decide on late canola programs | The Land

Conditions closer to home here in Australia remain very wet, and while there is more money in mud than dust it is slowing new crop sowing pace in NSW. While the cereal sowing window is still wide open, the ideal canola seeding window has closed, which has created a tough decision for those growers yet […]

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Drought raises questions about when, how to cull cattle herds

As current drought conditions in western Oklahoma decline past what they were in 2010 and 2011, cattle producers across the state are faced with making difficult herd management decisions. Culling is a routine practice used to manage the stocking rate on the ranch and maintain a productive, healthy and problem-free herd. In fact, cull cows […]

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Merck Animal Health announces Arovyn is available

Merck Animal Health announces that Arovyn (tulathromycin injection) is now available to veterinarians prescribing tulathromycin, which is used to control and treat bovine respiratory disease (BRD), plus treat foot rot and pinkeye. The prescription antibiotic, recently approved by the FDA, is the latest addition to the comprehensive antimicrobial portfolio and BRD solutions from Merck Animal […]

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