Blog Post

Farming by the moon – AustralianFarmers

Have you ever heard of “Astronomical Agriculture”? Neither had we, which had the Australian Farmers team intrigued and wanting to find out more. Astronomical Agriculture is also teaching people about lunar planting. The Australian Agricultural Centre is on a working farm in NSW and delivers education and farm skills. While a relatively new initiative, the […]

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Weaner steer numbers spike

A limited offering of sheep came out of Queensland online last week, with a total of 1374 head, while cattle numbers held firm with a total of 2763 head listed. Click to check the original article.

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April cattle exports figures – Beef Central

Australia exported 37,913 cattle in April, according to latest DAWE data, taking total numbers shipped so far in 2022 to 164,107 head, 47 percent below the five-year-average for the first four months of the year. Exports to Indonesia dominated trade activity, with 30,988 cattle shipped for the month, only 13 percent below the five-year average […]

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