Blog Post

Equipment question: Lease or buy?

Mark Gray doesn’t talk like your average banker. A conversation with this vice president of First Interstate Bank, who is based in Pasco, Wash., may start with a simple question but expand quickly into some key issues farmers should be considering for their operation. First Interstate Bank mainly serves the West, but Gray’s insights have […]

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May forage | Beef Magazine

In the past week I have driven across Nebraska, northern Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. It is springtime in the region and pastures and rangeland are trying to begin growing.  However, the green up is muted because of dry conditions, with little forage growth evident in many areas. The limited greening of rangelands will fizzle quickly in the […]

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Pasture recovery

Speaker: Stuart Buck, DAFF Senior Agronomist Music: ‘Arpeggio’ by Plagasul. Used under attribution license. Click to check the original.

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Texas county judge arrested for role in cattle theft

A Texas County judge and a former county deputy have been arrested for their role in a cattle theft operation, along with two other individuals. On May 20, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association special rangers and assisting agencies, including the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Loving County Sheriff’s Office, arrested Judge Skeet […]

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Farm Progress America, May 23, 2022

Max Armstrong recalls the early excitement about ‘beefalo’ which is a mix of bison and traditional beef. Those cattle crosses are still around and a website – – offers information about these cattle. Max shares information about the crossbreed cattle that are heartier, more economical and require less care. They can also withstand colder […]

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Crabgrass for summer grazing | Beef Magazine

Crabgrass is a summer annual grass that often shows up in pastures, especially in thin stands that have been damaged by hay feeding or overgrazing. To flourish in a pasture, crabgrass needs a six-inch opening. This means if you have a strong and vigorous sod, crabgrass will be difficult to establish and maintain. When cool-season […]

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Miniature Galloway record bull is Romani sire prospect | The Land

Shane Smeathers and William Brigham of Romani Galloway stud at Millfield near Cessnock sold Romani Roger for $15,000, etching their names in the breed’s top ranks. He was purchased privately by return client Lallybroch Galloways, Singleton, who are ecstatic to welcome the two-year-old as its new walking stud sire. Click to check the original article.

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