Blog Post

Will we see more bullocks come out of the channel country this year?

Flooding at Kynuna Station homestead on the headwaters of the Diamantina catchment. Photo: Twitter/X IN THE wake of ex-tropical cyclone Kirrily bringing big rain to parts of north-west Queensland, flooding is starting to head south towards the channel country. Beef Central understands the main flood is going down the Diamantina River after more than 500mm […]

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You service your ute or tractor, but what about your mental health?

HOW often do you service your ute, tractor, or harvester? Or how often would you go for a run or do physical exercise? Why wouldn’t you also do maintenance on your mind’s fitness? After 30 years in the Australian meat industry, working in packing rooms, trading rooms, exporting, food and value-add service, processing, logistics, quality […]

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Feedgrain Focus: Prices soften amid thin export demand

A sorghum crop planted at Breeza in mid-September and close to harvest. Photo: NSW DPI Agronomy NORTHERN markets for wheat and barley have dropped this week amid lacklustre export demand and comfortable coverage for domestic consumers. In the south, prices moved have been mixed and moderate, with export more active by comparison. “Markets are feeling […]

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Anthrax detection on Victorian property near Shepparton

Veterinarians and animal health personnel are responding to the detection of anthrax on a beef property in the Shepparton region, where five beef cattle have died. Agriculture Victoria said that following the report on the evening of 8 February, the property was quarantined, and all livestock have been vaccinated. Neighbouring properties have also been informed. […]

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