Barratta Creek Water Quality Monitoring Project
The Barratta Creek catchment has been the focus of a number of innovative projects aiming to improve the quality of water … Click to check the original.
The Barratta Creek catchment has been the focus of a number of innovative projects aiming to improve the quality of water … Click to check the original.
Mount Isa Police celebrate 98 years. Click to check the original article.
Show President Anne Pittis said Glencore had been a long-term sponsor of the annual Show and had confirmed they would sponsor another three years. Click to check the original article.
Mr Katter took a delegation of general practitioners from his electorate including Dr Grant Manypeney (Mareeba), Dr Rod Catton (Innisfail) and Dr Lisa Fraser (Gordonvale) down to Canberra to discuss these issues with the Health Minister, Greg Hunt, in June last year. Click to check the original article.
The couple initially began using tail blood testing as a method of pregnancy testing. Click to check the original article.
Nematodes play an important role in the function of soils. Most of them are beneficial to soil health, but some are significant pests … Click to check the original.
From a seed sown in the classroom, Queensland high school students are growing their agricultural careers with videos created … Click to check the original.
A SERIES of industry-backed research projects is looking at preventative measures for minimising the impact of bovine respiratory disease in feedlot environments. Under work being carried out through MLA and partners, an upcoming trial into autogenous vaccines will investigate potential vaccines for some of the bacterial pathogens involved in BRD, impacts from which are estimated […]
The new partnership was announced earlier this week. Click to check the original article.
NSW’s largest farming body wants investment not promises. Click to check the original article.
The Sculptures Out Back competition is returning to Roma, with a $40,000 prize pool. Click to check the original article.