Asgarda gives Gorrel his biggest win
Winx filly smashes auction record. Click to check the original article.
Winx filly smashes auction record. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Get in touch at 0427 575 955 if you’ve got a story idea for me. Based at […]
Yarding: 3635 Change: +2405 With clear blue skies Roma Agents penned 3,635 head an increase of 2,405 on the previous sale. Cattle were drawn from NSW and SA along with the normal supply districts. The yarding consisted of more weight which improved average prices. The heavier categories experienced stronger demand. Yearling steers 200 to 280kg selling […]
Some of the 650 delegates gathered in Cairns this afternoon for the 2024 Wagyu Conference WHILE international markets for high quality marbled beef remain flat, F1 Wagyu cattle heading to slaughter this week after completing a typical 380-day feedlot program still bear the shadow of feeder steer purchases made back in early 2023 of at […]
The Cedars is a 5162 acre property that has been developed as a sustainable breeding enterprise that has conservatively run 350 breeders, even in drier seasons. Click to check the original article.
Emergency attended the rural property on Tuesday afternoon. Click to check the original article.
There were 3635 cattle offered at Roma on Tuesday. Click to check the original article.
The 11,185 hectare property Tareela remains on the market after being passed in at auction on Wednesday. Click to check the original article.
Glencoe is a 3236 hectare property featuring a central valley with an estimated carrying capacity of 18,000 dry sheep equivalents. Click to check the original article.
On farm data key for making the most of AI Click to check the original article.
The inaugural Ballin’ on the Balonne ball in Roma exceeded expectations by raising $80,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Roma. Click to check the original article.
Two regional youth received the Show Announcers Scholarship. Click to check the original article.