Blog Post

UMD gains 563 acres to continue Wye Angus cattle research

The Aspen Institute donated 330 acres along with existing buildings to the University of Maryland for continued use by the Wye Angus program, which is maintained and operated by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the Wye Research and Education Center in Queenstown, Maryland. In addition, UMD purchased another 233 acres for a total […]

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Tips for treating foot rot

Kansas State University veterinarian Gregg Hanzlicek says that a bacterial infection that causes lameness in calves could be decreasing the breeding effectiveness of the cow herd and costing producers’ profits. Hanzlicek refers to a recent research stocker calf project indicating that lame calves gained one-half pound less than their healthy counterparts. “When we talk about infectious lameness […]

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Farm Progress America, May 17, 2022

Max Armstrong shares that the world needs wheat, which is getting more countries are looking at genetically modified wheat. However, there has been a challenge from food producers concerned about having GMO wheat in their products. Max shares that there is a rising trend to use biotech wheat as South American countries produce more and […]

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Wheat production under threat across the globe | The Land

[ad_1] In Europe, low rainfall in parts of France and Germany has brought the threat of drought, triggering a possible drop in European Union wheat output and exports and raising fears of a further squeeze on global supplies. The USDA’s Russian wheat… [ad_2] Click to check original article

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