Students tested in Schools Challenge
The Harvey Beef Gate 2 Plate Challenge Field Day and Schools Challenge was held at the end of last month at the Lyon family’s Willyung Farms feedlot at Albany. Click to check the original article.
The Harvey Beef Gate 2 Plate Challenge Field Day and Schools Challenge was held at the end of last month at the Lyon family’s Willyung Farms feedlot at Albany. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Get in touch at 0427 575 955 if you’ve got a story idea for me. Based at […]
EYE Muscle Area (EMA) is a trait often discussed by producers as being a desirable trait to include in their selection decisions. However narrowing down the reason as to why that trait is so desirable often results in some generally vague responses. Mostly the response is that increased EMA is a good thing, as it […]
A veterinarian has given some tips on making the most of eID. Click to check the original article.
From 1874 to 2024, read Moree Show Society’s rich history. Click to check the original article.
Volumes were up but value was down. Click to check the original article.
The Blue Heeler Hotel was inundated with flood water following ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily earlier this year and now its owners are seeking help to get it back to its former glory Click to check the original article.
As a registered apiarist, Mr Wilson, 35, said he had stayed aware of issues such as Asian honey bee and varroa mite via notifications and updates from Biosecurity Queensland and the Department of Primary Industries – and moving his hives away from any urban pests made good sense. Click to check the original article.
It’s still a long wait to go until harvest. Click to check the original article.
Some of the action from the cattle paraders at Kempsey Show. Click to check the original article.
AUSTRALIA’S Wild Dog Action Plan and the South Australian Government are seeking clarification on how classification and regulatory changes concerning the dingo in Victoria will affect control programs in the state. According to wild dog management coordinator Greg Mifsud, Museums Victoria has updated the taxonomy of the dingo to bring it in line with the […]
Yarding 4600 Change +1235 The market opened strongly post-Easter, but agents were surprised by the lower turnout, attributed to weekend rain. Total numbers reached 4600, but were drawn for 5300. The quality of the offering ranging from fair to good. All buyers made it to the sale with a few more feedlot orders in play […]