Blog Post

Farm Progress America, January 29, 2024

The snow might be on the ground now, but planters will be rolling before long. Mike Pearson takes a look at the planting intentions survey results published by Farm Futures, which is part of Farm Progress. Farmers are weighing the higher priced seed but lower fertilizer prices when it comes to deciding how many acres […]

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My Favourite Painting: Ashley Campbell

The actor Ashley Campbell on a work that ‘explodes with vivid, almost graffiti-like strokes’. Ashley Campbell on ‘Iris’ by Kevin Sharkey ‘Galleries continually emerge in Notting Hill, where I live, but Kevin Sharkey stands out as a bold artist. I find myself captivated by his work – it is an absolute delight. ‘As a musical-theatre […]

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Feedgrain Focus: Red Sea troubles set south’s firmer tone

The tail end of south-eastern Australia’s wheat and barley harvest suffered significant rain delays, and is now over for nearly all growers. Photo: Matt Rohde EXPORT interest in ASW-type wheat has increased in the past fortnight as Asian consumers and global traders react to uncertainty about getting Black Sea and European wheat through the Red […]

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