Blog Post

USDA launches Remote Grading Pilot for Beef

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced a pilot program to allow more cattle producers and meat processors to access better markets through the USDA’s official beef quality grading and certification. The Remote Grading Pilot for Beef, developed by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, matches simple technology with robust data management and program oversight to allow a […]

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The different vacuums in our lives

The statement “Nature abhors a vacuum” has been on my mind lately.  For those who may not know that is the idea that unfilled spaces go against the laws of nature and physics and that every space needs to be filled with something. When I was younger, I had a difficult time grasping this, today […]

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El Nino impact through the rest of winter

A moderate to strong El Nino-driven weather pattern remains in control across the Northern Hemisphere. An unseasonably mild spell of weather through much of the month of December extended across much of the Heartland. However, it was a stormy and excessively wet weather-related setup that impacted much of the eastern states, resulting in flooding in […]

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Managing cow body condition critical for profitability

In the cow-calf production system, reproductive efficiency is the No. 1 driver of profitability. “That’s how this business works,” says James Rogers, North Dakota State University Extension forage crops production specialist. “We market the offspring from our herds. No offspring, no profit.” Rogers references a measure of reproductive performance used in the swine industry called […]

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