Council bid to establish tertiary education in Hughenden
The Flinders Shire Council has taken a significant step towards establishing a Country Universities Centre in Hughenden. Click to check the original article.
The Flinders Shire Council has taken a significant step towards establishing a Country Universities Centre in Hughenden. Click to check the original article.
The Parkes Elvis Festival is just around the corner. Click to check the original article.
Take a look at some of the great depictions of the seasons and landscapes of Britain, as celebrated in the new book ‘Country Life: 125 Years of Countryside Living in Great Britain’. Britain is breathtaking in so many ways. The new book, Country Life: 125 Years of Countryside Living in Great Britain, by our own […]
The possibility of water buybacks is playing havoc with the next line of irrigation farmers. Click to check the original article.
Through the Drawing Conclusions cartoon space, published weekly in Stock Journal, Stock & Land and the Queensland Country Life, Jed takes a sideways look at some of the biggest topics impacting on Australian agriculture, including livestock prices – falling or rising, harvest, carbon sequestration and farming innovation. Click to check the original article.
BOM issues warning for potential storms and flash flooding across parts of the state’s north. Click to check the original article.
Through the Drawing Conclusions cartoon space, published weekly in The Land’s sister newspapers Stock Journal, Stock & Land and the Queensland Country Life, Jed takes a sideways look at some of the biggest topics impacting on Australian agriculture, including livestock prices – falling or rising, harvest, carbon sequestration and farming innovation. Click to check the […]
Annual yearling sales loom. Click to check the original article.
As 2024 dawned, BoM notes storms heading up north Click to check the original article.
Other photographers who have been so willing to share their images with the campdraft page include Emma Pendergast (Penwood Creations), Jo Thieme Photography, Ravyn Warzecho (Ropes N Spurs Photography), Kate Jones (Australian Capdraft Magazinem), Ann Murphy, Tyler Palmer, Hayley Condon, Sam Van Der Stoep, Cassie Jessup and Sue Waldron just to name a few. All […]
As 2024 dawned, Winton’s heatwave and Scenic Rim’s storms persisted Click to check the original article.
Through the Drawing Conclusions cartoon space, published weekly in Stock Journal, Stock & Land and the Queensland Country Life, Jed takes a sideways look at some of the biggest topics impacting on Australian agriculture, including livestock prices – falling or rising, harvest, carbon sequestration and farming innovation. Click to check the original article.